UNC UCS #Where's the Hand? Launch

UNC UCS #Where's the Hand? Launch
Date Range: 
Tuesday September 5, 2017, 2:45 pm Monday November 13, 2017, 11:45 pm
Accessible Transcript: 


UNC UCS' Handshake chair has really gotten around since it's been on campus!  Where has it been?  That's what we want YOU to tell US!  Starting September 11, we will be posting weekly pics of the Hand's travels on Instagram and Twitter. 

1) To win a cool prize, find where the Hand has been and go there.

2) Take a good selfie of you showing a good view of the area, and tag @uncucs with the hashtag #WherestheHand and #Handshake

3) Follow @uncucs on Instargram and/or twitter to qualify when you post your picture.

4) The first person we see to post their selfie each week wins a prize!

Not familiar with Handshake? come chat with us at University Career Services



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